Upcoming Sponsored Webinars

Modernize your Hearing Conservation Program and Protect your Employees with WAHTS Hearing
Thursday, March 13, 2025 10:30 AM
Hearing is one of your most precious senses, which is often taken for granted until it is permanently lost. Learn how to modernize your hearing conservation program by using the latest technology to assess and protect your employees! Wireless Audiometric Hearing Test System (WAHTS) is an OSHA- and ANSI-compliant calibrated headset with a built-in wireless audiometer. Learn how to elevate your Hearing Conservation Program with boothless audiometry and hearing protector fit testing with WAHTS Hearing.
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Shoshannah Russell, Au.D., FAAA
Dr. Shoshannah Russell, AuD is the Chief Audiologist and Director of Sales and Marketing for WAHTS Hearing LLC. Prior to her work with WAHTS, Dr. Russell spent over ten years working as an audiologist at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) in Bethesda, MD. During her time at WRNMMC, she worked as an Occupational Audiologist, Clinical Audiologist, and Research Audiologist. Dr. Russell is an advocate of collaboration and team science and has been fortunate to collaborate with a diverse group of students, scientists, businesses, and healthcare professionals.
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