

AAOHN has over 40 chapters across the continental U.S., and joining an AAOHN Chapter is a great way to stay connected to OHNs in your area. Click on your U.S. state below to see more information about each AAOHN Chapter.

Missouri State Chapters

Missouri State
Marshall, MO
President: Kara Layton, RN, BSN


Missouri Local Chapters

St. Louis Missouri
Dues are $15/year for Regular Members
Meetings are quarterly and the President will send out emails and also post on and the AAOHN chapter blog

Current Board of Directors

Abby Vance, BSN, RN - President

Christine Kohler - President-Elect

Kim Casey, RN, BSN - Secretary

Linda Bommarito, RN - Treasurer

Jennifer Stevens - Membership Director

Contact Abby Vance for more information