2025 National Conference

Explore the AAOHN National Conference Program

Discover a dynamic schedule filled with engaging sessions and workshops designed to elevate your practice.

Earn Valuable CNE

Full conference participants can earn up to 15 CNE, with an additional 16 CNE available through pre-conference workshops

Please note that Pre-Conference Workshops require additional registration and are not included as part of your National Conference registration. 

Justify Your Attendance: Use our customizable Justification Toolkit to confidently make the case for your employer's financial support to attend the AAOHN 2025 National Conference. 

The following schedule is subject to change and all times are listed in Eastern Time. 

7:00 am - 5:00 pm

COHN/COHN-S Review Course

Laurie Heagy, MPH, RN, COHN-S; Mindy Guillory RN, BSN, COHN-S/CM, COHC/CD, CEAP, SAP, MRO-a
Over the course of two days, prospective OHNs studying for the COHN and COHN-S examinations will review occupational health core curriculum, case studies, and perform PPE demonstrations. The review course is updated to match the new September 2024 ABOHN exam blueprint, and attendees can be confident that they will receive recent exam information. Attendees will meet other students in their cohort, learn study tactics, and get answers to their questions regarding the exam’s content, testing, and certification. 

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Conference of Leaders

Sandra J. Cinque, BA, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN; Dawn Stone PhD, RN, ANP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN
Invest in your future as a leader, build your confidence to strengthen your knowledge base, seek mentor opportunities, and develop a new skill set alongside fellow OHN professionals in the two-day workshop. 

7:00 am - 5:00 pm

COHN/COHN-S Review Course

Laurie Heagy, MPH, RN, COHN-S
Mindy Guillory RN, BSN, COHN-S/CM, COHC/CD, CEAP, SAP, MRO-a

Over the course of two days, prospective OHNs studying for the COHN and COHN-S examinations will review occupational health core curriculum, case studies, and perform PPE demonstrations. The review course is updated to match the new September 2024 ABOHN exam blueprint, and attendees can be confident that they will receive recent exam information. Attendees will meet other students in their cohort, learn study tactics, and get answers to their questions regarding the exam’s content, testing, and certification. 


8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Conference of Leaders

Sandra J. Cinque, BA, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN
Dawn Stone Phd, RN, ANP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN 

Invest in your future as a leader, build your confidence to strengthen your knowledge base, seek mentor opportunities, and develop a new skill set alongside fellow OHN professionals in the two-day workshop. 

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Advanced Practice Occupational Health Nursing Pre-Con

A one-day workshop for the occupational health advanced practice registered nurse, nurse practitioner or doctor of nursing practice for advanced clinical care in the workplace setting.
Pharmacology credits will be offered.
200(a) | Responding to Workplace Violence for the Occupational Health APRN

Workplace violence is a pervasive problem globally. OHNs respond to workplace violence in organizations that struggle to effectively mitigate occurrences of these events. Nurses who are injured due to workplace violence suffer from anxiety, PTSD, burnout, fear, and long-term physical consequences. The OHN role is underutilized by organizational response to violence and has an opportunity to positively influence mental and physical health outcomes for workers who experience workplace violence. This training will provide information on the occurrences of workplace violence and provide learning as to the positive impact an APRN in occupational health brings to the prevention and response strategies.
200(b) | Unipolar or Bipolar Depression? Assessment and Psychopharmacology for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Julianne Armijo, FNP-C, MSN, RN, PhD pre-candidate
Bipolar disorder is a challenging and complex condition to treat, especially for practitioners who may not have accessible psychiatric consultation services. In this session, the presenter will compare and contrast basic unipolar and bipolar depression psychopathology and psychopharmacology. During the activity, the presenter will review outpatient prescribing considerations, treatment plan formulation, and new diagnostic developments related to biomarkers and machine learning to differentiate the two conditions. This activity is geared toward non-psychiatric specialty APRNs (e.g., FNPs).
200(c) | Management of Chronic Respiratory Illness and the Occupational Health Provider
Evin Parker, MSN, APRN, FNP, NP-C

Employee absences due to chronic respiratory illness and flares is a reality. Quick treatment proctocols may reduce or eliminate workplace absences. Having APRNs at the worksite able to treat and prescribe helps employees with their care, disease management and avoids costly and unnecessary emergency room visits.
200(d) | Exremity E-Ray Interpretation
Denise Ramponi, DNP, FNP-C. ENP-BC, FAANP, FAEN

This expert-led session will cover key diagnostic tools, distinguishing normal vs. abnormal fat pads, assessing joint spaces, and recognizing injury patterns prone to complications. Gain practical insights to improve accuracy and clinical decision-making in musculoskeletal imaging.
200(e) | Beyond the Basics: Modernizing Occupational Examinations for the Aging and Gender Inclusivity
Erin Bucher, DNP, A-GNP-C, COHN-S

OHNs are at the forefront of worker health and safety. As the workforce ages and changes, OHN prepartion to anticipate the needs of the worker population and consider modification to work-related physical exams is a needed update. The APRN in occupational health has varied knowledge regarding pharmacologic factors impacting the aging and transgender workers. Join this training for a look at modifed work-related physical exams specific to the aging population and gender inclusivity for more comprehensive assessments.
200(f) | The Last -Minute Business Traveler: Overcoming the Myriad Challenges of the Pre-Travel Encounter-Immunizations, Medications and Risk Reduction Counseling
This session is loaded with information to manage the "last-minute" business traveler with occupational health. Attendees will better understand the pre-travel requirements and work arounds for the traveler who has less than a 2 week time period before travelling. Discussion will be geared mainly to international travel but some domestic visits may be discussed. 

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Registration Open


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Exhibit Hall Welcome Reception


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

President's Reception (Invite Only)

7:00 am - 6:30 pm

Registration Open


8:00 am - 9:30 am

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall


9:00 am - 10:30 am

Practice Exchanges


10:45 am - 11:15 am

President's Welcome + Awards Ceremony


11:15 am - 12:15 pm

Opening Keynote: D.E.C.I.D.E. With Purpose: Driving Progress in Nursing and Life

Felicia Mycyk
In this keynote, Felicia Mycyk introduces her D.E.C.I.D.E. Self-Leadership™ framework, empowering nurses to make purposeful decisions that impact both their personal lives and the future of the nursing profession. The framework helps nurses DISCOVER where they are and how they think, EMBRACE their transferable skills, and CONDITION their mindset to overcome barriers and achieve their goals. Felicia will show how to INCLUDE the right tools for discipline and leadership, build DETERMINATION to make intentional choices, and EVOLVE into leaders who find peace and purpose in their version of success. With real-life football analogies and leadership insights, this session will inspire you to lead with confidence, balance your life, and move nursing forward. Learn how to step into your power, lead yourself and others, and transform your approach to both nursing and life. At the end of this session, you'll be able to identify and assess your current mental and emotional state, recognize personal values, thought patterns, and areas of strength and improvement through the D.E.C.I.D.E. framework’s DISCOVER component; recognize and embrace your transferable skills to address and overcome challenges in your roles, enabling you to adapt to new situations and responsibilities; and practice techniques for mental conditioning to set and achieve goals effectively, fostering resilience and maintaining motivation in high-stress environments.

12:15 pm - 1:30 pm

Lunch in the Exhibit Hall


1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions 1

311 |  Emergency Preparedness for the Occupational Health Nurse: Expect the Unexpected
Stephanie Hammond, DNP, CRNP, ANP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHNa
Allison Jones, PhD, RN, CNS, CNE

This session will discuss the importance of additional emergency training at the worksite which will include Stop the Bleed®, CPR, and active shooter training. Participants will receive training in Stop the Bleed® and receive a training certificate. After the session, OHNs will have the skills and resources needed to provide these additional trainings at their worksites.
Please note this session has a reached the 60-person maximum attendee restriction. Please contact registration@aaohn.org for more information. Note Session 312 and Session 313 will have space for attendance.

312 | AI…EI… OH! Balancing Minds and Machines in Addressing the Future of Workplace Health & Safety
Sheila Quinn PhD, RN

While artificial intelligence (AI) is a helpful tool for OHNs, it cannot replace human connection and emotional intelligence (EI). This session will explore how OHNs can balance the two for optimized productivity and easier navigation of conflict and complex social situations.   

313 | Building Trust, Bridging Gaps: The Role of Occupational Health Professionals in Reducing Health Disparities
Sheri Rowland, PhD, APRN-BC FNP
Athena K. Ramos, PhD, MBA, MS, CPM
Ryan Klataske, PhD

Trust between workers and the OHNs who care for them directly correlates with worker health outcomes. This session will define trust in workplace healthcare, identify common barriers, and explore how factors like socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, and roles in high-risk workplaces impact trust disparities. Participants will engage in discussions to deepen their understanding and strategies for building trust.


3:15 pm - 4:15 pm

Concurrent Sessions 2

314 | Connecting Tunnels: Exploring Upper Extremity Injuries
Diane Olejar, ANP-BC, MSN,CNS
Margaret Finucane, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN

Upper extremity injuries are among the most common work-related injuries, yet lesser-known tunnel syndromes are frequently and unintentionally overlooked. This session will highlight how to differentiate between nerve, muscle, and bone injuries, and offer guidance on taking detailed patient histories for accurate diagnosis. 

315 | You Are What You Eat: Food Allergies in the Workplace
Sarah (Sally) Foster-Chang, RN, MSN, ANP-BC, COHN-S, DNP
With food allergies on the rise, OHNs need a strong understanding of allergy types, symptoms, and strategies to ensure the safety and well-being of affected workers. This session will provide updated statistics on adults with food allergies, along with guidance on management, treatment, and preparatory education for workers and nurses.

316 | Understanding Compression Wear in Occupational Health and Injury Prevention Strategies
Richard Wyatt, PhD, PE, CPE, CSP, CQE

Compression wear usage has application to the worksite for improved circulation and fatigue management with physical demands from work over long durations and with repetitive motion tasks. This session will discuss the evidence-based practice for improved outcomes with compression wear use, as well as an introduction to risk management and insurance cost data with musculoskeletal injury. The presenter will introduce live case studies for implementation in occupational nursing worksites such as factories or distribution centers.


4:25 pm - 5:00 pm

Poster Session

317-PS1 | Dateline-Workplace Murders and the role of OHN in Estimating Risk and in Response
Stacey Mitchell, DNP, MBA, MEd, RN, AFN-C, SANE-A, SANE-P, IVSE-C, FAAN

317-PS2 | Decreasing Injury Trends Through Education and Collaboration
Rebecca Freeman, MSN, BSN, RN, CNOR

317-PS3 | Advancing the Occupational Setting to Support Black Nurses' Sleep Health
Beverly M. Hittle, PhD, RN, FAAOHN

317-PS4 | Ohio Farmworkers and Heat-Related Illness Prevention: A Focused Ethnography
Ashley Velez, PhD, BSN, RN

317-PS5 | Promoting Hypertension Management in the Commercial Truck Driver via Portable, Electronic, Bluetooth Connected Blood Pressure Machines
Jodi L. DeBroux, MSN, APNP


5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Exhibit Hall Happy Hour


7:00 pm

ABOHN Reception (Invitation Only)

7:00 am - 8:00 am

Coffee in the Exhibit Hall


8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Registration Open


8:00 am - 9:00 am

Concurrent Sessions 3

400 | What OHN’s Need to Know about GLP-1 Medications
Douglas Hoffman, RN, MSN, COHN-S, FAAOHN
Jonathan B. Hjelm PharmD, BCPS

GLP-1 medications are gaining popularity for treating Type 2 diabetes and obesity, yet misconceptions about their use, side effects, and benefits for employee performance and health outcomes persist. This session will explain the mechanisms of GLP-1, review current guidelines, and enhance OHNs’ clinical decision-making skills when caring for patients prescribed GLP-1 medications.

401 | Using Total Worker Health® for Better Results in Workers’ Compensation
Shanna Dunbar, BSN, RN, COHN-S, FAAOHN
While OHNs are tasked with ensuring workers’ safety on the job, it’s also crucial to consider injuries outside the workplace. This session will equip learners with tools to adopt a Total Worker Health approach, highlighting the cost savings and positive outcomes associated with this method of health promotion.

402 | Results from an Innovative Online Learning Module to Teach Patient's Prevention of Back Pain
Scarlet R. Spain, DNP, MPH, APRN, CNS, FNP-BC
Back pain is a common injury among labor-intensive workers, and often leads to poor patient outcomes, decreased productivity, and negative quality of life. This session will analyze insights and positive feedback from workers who completed an online learning module on spine anatomy and back injury prevention. 


9:15 am - 10:45 am

Concurrent Sessions 4

403 | Ergonomics for the OHN
Join this combined session to discover tools and resources to prevent workplace injuries. From ergonomic AI technology to employer education, speakers will share their approaches to improving hazard management and identification. 
403(a) | Making Ergo Easy and Efficient with AI
Justin Shepherd, PT, CIMT, CEAS
Join Justin Shepherd MSPT, CIMT, CEAS to explore how ComputerVision AI can be a powerful resource for proactive ergonomic assessment and injury prevention. Learners will examine how to integrate this technology into their existing ergonomic programs to improve efficiency, worker safety, and expand hazard identification outside of the workplace.
403(b) | Ergonomic Injury Prevention: Strategies to Engage Employers
Megan Dickinson, RN, MBA, PCCN, CHC 
While employers can be hesitant or unwilling to purchase ergonomic equipment for employees, they often end up paying more in workplace injury settlements than the cost of equipment that could prevent or lessen workplace injuries. In this session, attendees will review cost-analysis of a work-related injury versus a purchase of ergonomic equipment, how to educate stakeholders and employers to prevent workplace injuries and understand the difference between proactive and reactive actions as they relate to ergonomics.
404 | Innovations for Healthcare Organizations
404(a) | Malpractice Insights: Top Nurse Practitioner Liability Concerns
Erin McCluan, RN, BSN, JD, Esq

In a litigious and ever-shifting healthcare landscape, nurse practitioners face potential liability in their everyday work. This interactive session will use case studies and claim data from NSO and CNA’s updated Nurse Practitioner Liability Claim Report to provide NPs with immediately implementable practices that they can use to help protect themselves against allegations of malpractice or unprofessionalism. Through the experiences of their peers, NPs can gain valuable tools to improve their patient safety practices and reduce their liability exposure. 
404(b) | Implementing a National Medical Director Oversight Option for Employee Health Clinics within a Large Healthcare Organization
Cynthia Skeens, MS, RN, COHN-S, Clinical Director, HCA Healthcare
The implementation of a national medical director option for employee health clinics across the company was explored. This session will cover steps OHNs can take to meet regulatory requirements, partner with national providers or full-service medical director programs, and address implementation challenges and practice variations.
405 | Discovery of Evidence and Translation of Evidence to Practice: The Work of PhD and DNP OHNs in the NIOSH Education and Research Centers
Stephanie Hammond, DNP, CRNP, ANP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN
Allison Jones, PhD, RN, CNS, CNE
Marie-Anne S. Rosemberg, PhD, MN, RN, FAAOHN, FAAN
Beverly Hittle, PhD; Oi Saeng Hong, PhD, RN
Soo-Jeaong Lee, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAAOHN
Elizabeth McKinley, PhD, MSN, RN

This panel discussion will explore the mission of NIOSH Education and Research Centers (ERCs) with OHN ERC members. Panelists will highlight professional development opportunities within ERCs and clarify the distinctions between evidence and research translation.  

10:45 am - 12:45 pm

Exhibit Hall Open | Lunch and Vendor Lunch Symposia


12:45 pm - 1:30 pm

Poster Sessions

406-PS1 | Sleep Behaviors are Associated With Perceived Quality of Care in Public Sector Healthcare Workers
Yuan Zhang, PhD, RN

406-PS2 | Sharpening the Focus: A Targeted Approach to Reducing Nurse Needlestick Injuries
Laura J. Walker, MSN, RN, COHN-S, CNE, NPD-BC

406-PS3 | Preparing Data in Excel for Occupational Health Nurses in PhD Programs

406-PS4 | Adverse Childhood Experiences and Firefighter Mental Health- A Scoping Review of the Literature
Kathleen Ann Wells, MPH, BSN, RN, FEN-A/P, GFN-C, SANE-A, SANE-P

406-PS5 | Impact of Smoking on Sleep Outcomes Among Long-Haul Truck Drivers
Cara Harris, BSN, RN

406-PS6 | Metabolic Disorder Risk Factors and Quality of Life Among Nurses with Bipolar Disorder: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Nurses’ Health Study 3
Julianne Armijo, MSN, FNP-C, RN 

406-PS7 | ABOHN Specialty Certification: What’s New!
Betty Sanisidro, DNP, MSN, COHN-S, APHN-BC 


1:45 pm - 2:45 pm

Concurrent Sessions 5

407 | Shift Work, Sleep, Fatigue, and Mental Health, Among Hotel Workers
Marie-Anne S. Rosemberg, PhD, MN, RN, FAAOHN, FAAN
As non-standard work arrangements (NSWA) increase, research on the impact of shift work on worker well-being remains limited. OHNs will explore a study of hotel workers on mental health, sleep, and fatigue, identifying potential risks and discussing strategies to support employees engaged in NSWA.
408 | Top Shelf Documentation of a Clinic Visit
Kelvin Jones, RN, COHN
Donna Ferreira ANP, MS, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN

This session will emphasize the importance of accurate documentation based on chart audit data. Learners will gain skills to improve note-taking, identify common documentation errors, and conduct thorough clinical assessments. 
409 | Essentials of Heat Stress Management
Thomas E. Bernard, PhD
As global temperatures rise, workers face a growing risk of heat-related illnesses. This session will review OSHA’s draft heat stress management standard, outline strategies for OHNs to collaborate with employers on prevention and response to HRI and discuss ways to enhance worker knowledge on prevention and self-care. 


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Foundation General Session + Awards Ceremony

410 | Foundation Session: Financial Health and Planning for Occupational Health Nurses and Leaders to Support Holistic & Organizational Wellbeing                      
Stephanie Weinsier, DNP, ANP-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN
Catherine Pepler, RN, COHN MBA, BS, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN 
Jacob W Cuthbert, CFP®, BFA, CPFA
Join the Foundation for a presentation that bridges the gap between financial and organizational wellbeing. Financial health and financial planning are essential to support personal and organizational wellbeing. Forward-thinking organizations recognize the intricate interplay between physical, mental, emotional and financial health, however many nurses are not equipped with financial skills and training. In order to better care for the employees and communities OHNs serve, provide leadership to the businesses and professional organizations they support, and improve OHNs’ own wellbeing, they need to be better equipped with tools for financial management, financial planning and budgeting. Attend this session to improve your skill set. At the end of this session, participants will be able to 1.) Identify financial wellbeing as an important component of holistic personal and organizational health and wellbeing; 2.) Demonstrate practical financial skills and competencies to support their professional and personal success and wellbeing; and 3.) Demonstrate understanding of the impact of financial literacy on the business climate, economy, and the health and wellbeing of communities.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

David Hall, The Mentalist (Entertainment Open to All)

Sponsored by NEAOHN
Get ready for an unforgettable experience with David Hall, a master of mind-reading and mentalism who combines wit, charm, and astonishing mental feats to captivate audiences. Known for his dynamic, interactive shows, David brings a fresh twist with his background in comedy and improvisational theater, making each performance as engaging as it is unpredictable. Having wowed crowds across the U.S. and on global stages for top brands like Google and Mercedes-Benz, David’s show is a must-see, offering a unique blend of mentalism and comedy that makes the audience part of the magic.

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

PA Annual Meeting and NEAOHN Meeting (Invite Only)


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Foundation Event (Additional Fee Required)

Set sail with the AAOHN Foundation for an unforgettable dinner cruise aboard Pittsburgh’s Gateway Clipper! Enjoy scenic views, delicious dining, live music, and relaxed networking with fellow occupational health nurses. Departing from the Convention Center at 6:00 p.m. sharp, this is an evening you won’t want to miss. Reserve your ticket today!

7:30 am - 8:30 am

Coffee + Vendor Breakfast Symposia


8:30 am - 9:30 am

Catherine Dempsey Lecture

When Feeling Like a Fake Hurts You: The Effects of Impostor Syndrome and Impostorization on Career Advancement
Angelica Gutierrez, PhD
Join the Catherine Dempsey Lecture for a session focused on gaining an understanding of the impostor phenomenon (aka impostor syndrome) and impostorization, including implications for workplace outcomes and strategies to counter the effects of the phenomena. The content is based on Dr. Gutiérrez’s and other academic research.

9:45 am - 10:45 am

Concurrent Session 6

501 | Unveiling Staffing Patterns and Trends in Employee/Occupational Health
Denise Knoblauch, MSN, RN, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN
Senior leadership in Employee/Occupation Health (EH/OH) Departments frequently request staffing level data from EH/OH nurse leaders, yet recent studies on staffing patterns are limited. This session will guide attendees in analyzing benchmark data to identify staffing trends, comparing their organization’s patterns to industry standards, and effectively presenting findings to key stakeholders. 
502 | The Role of Genomics in Occupational Health
Rebecca Kronk, PhD, MSN, CRNP, FAAN, CNE, ANEF
As precision healthcare advances, occupational health nurses must understand the impact of genomic information and communicate its implications effectively to those they serve. This session will explore genetic testing, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, and ways to enhance genomic literacy through professional development.
503 | The Runaway Case
Lori Dawn Burke, RN, MPH, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN
Even without a Case Management certification, many OHNs assume the responsibilities of managing employees with work-related injuries. Factors such as disability guidelines, planning, and coordination with insurers, businesses, and external providers can negatively impact the OHN’s case and the employee’s well-being. This session will provide a foundational framework for OHNs – both certified and uncertified – to enhance patient outcomes and facilitate their return to work.  

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

AAOHN General Session

504 | Menopause in the Workplace
Stephanie Faubion, MD, MBA, FACP, MSCP, IF
Penny and Bill George Director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Women's Health| Medical Director for The North American Menopause Society
Menopause symptoms typically last 7-9 years, with work productivity one negative result for women in the workplace and the economic burden on employers, women and society. Join the AAOHN General Session for a lecture focused on menopause symptoms and care management, along with the impact in the workplace and learn about opportunities for implementing policies.

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

AAOHN Closing Ceremony